Carnival booking information


Aquatic Centre bookings
(02) 9714 7329

Special Events & Venue Catering Team

Pool Supervisor
(02) 9714 7527 or (02) 9714 7526

Swim Data Services
Helen Wood
0418 430 762

Event Technology Services
P: 02 9714 7543
M: 0427 651 518

Swimming NSW
(02) 9763 5833

Carnival parking

The following information is for event participants. Standard car park rates within Sydney Olympic Park:

Monday to Sunday & Public Holidays
0 - 1 hours$7
1 - 2 hours$14
2 - 3 hours$21
3 - 4 hours$28
4 - 5 hours$35
Maximum fee$35


Event attendance - less than 1500 people

These patrons will receive 4 hours free parking in P2 & P3 and will incur the nominated casual parking fees thereafter. Parking vouchers need to be collected at the Venue before returning to the car park pay station for validation and/or additional payment.

Event attendance - more than 1500 people

These events will incur a flat rate car-parking fee of $22 per day. If your event incurs an $22 flat rate parking fee, you will need to collect a parking voucher at the venue upon entering the Aquatic Centre. Please pay the cashier at the green building near the front of the Aquatic Centre or automatic pay stations prior to returning to your vehicle.

Venue Operations will record participation numbers that will be reconciled against your estimated attendance figures provided. Variations that impact the venues staff numbers, cleaning, catering & utilities may incur additional charges.

Forms and info

Guidelines For Aquatic Sporting Events


The following Event Guidelines are designed to assist the Event Organiser in the staging of an event at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. They have been developed as a result of staging numerous events and highlight the most effective way to utilise the venue.

Program of events

To assist us in hosting your event, a program of events should be supplied to the Centre fourteen (14) days in advance.

Parking and attendance

Sydney Olympic Park Authority (SOPA) is responsible for the management and coordination of access and car parking at Sydney Olympic Park. To assist your delegates/spectators, SOPA has provided a parking policy information. All event spectators are encouraged to use P3 for event accommodate event personnel, officials, VIP’s, volunteers and media, a number of the Aquatic Centre Green Parking Passes will be created and available for collection from the venue prior to your event. As the event organiser, you will be responsible for the distribution of these parking passes.

During past events, the Centre has experienced a number of issues with events where the spectator/ participant attendance numbers are widely misrepresented to the actual number present on the day. Anticipated attendance numbers are crucial to the smooth running of any event. It provides the Centre with a guide to ensuring enough catering outlets are open, sufficient cleaners have been rostered, allows appropriate planning across Sydney Olympic Park and more importantly, ensures enough emergency management staff are rostered to provide for the evacuation of the venue. We ask that all event organisers carefully consider their anticipated attendance figures when completing the necessary details. Failure to provide accurate attendances within a reasonable range may result in additional cleaning and staffing costs post-event.

Admission to carnival

Entry for all carnivals, unless organised prior, is via the front entrance to the Aquatic Centre.

Buses can drop students at the bus parking bays located along Olympic Boulevard. Teachers and students can make their way to the front entrance. Carnival Entry is via the left-hand side doors through the turnstiles.

As an organiser, you may wish to charge admission. If you choose to do so, you must inform the Centre at least seven (7) days prior to your event. The admission and collection point will be determined with venue staff. It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to provide personnel such as ticket sellers and ticket collectors in this area for the duration of admission.

These personnel will be required to prevent glass objects, alcohol and other prohibited articles being brought in to the venue.

If you require hired security or staff to assist, please advise your booking coordinator of this request.

Spectator provisions and seating

For events that attract less than 1,500 spectators, only one side of the spectator seating will be used. This will create a more appropriate atmosphere for your event and increase the standard and provision of supervision. All spectators seating in use will be air conditioned to approximately 24°C. It is recommended that swimmers dry off and dress appropriately on pool deck before they sit in the spectator seating.

Water conditions

The Centre is committed to providing the best possible water quality for your event. Chemical levels are maintained at the lowest possible level while remaining within NSW Dept of Health guidelines, at all times while the water temperature in both the Competition and Utility Pools is maintained at approximately 26°- 27° Celsius.

Warm up

Any warm-up period must be included in your booking period. Entry is not permitted to the pool prior to your scheduled start time. The use of other pools for warm-up is not permitted unless the pool has been booked.

Sound system

The main announcing microphone is located in the Results and Recording Room. For pool concourse announcements, a radio microphone can be made available. In addition to the microphones, an iPod aux cord connection and CD player are also available. When the microphone is being used, it is important to speak clearly and at a normal level as all volume levels have been pre-set to achieve optimum results.


For events held during the day, a lighting level of 300 lux or 50% training lighting will be provided. This will supplement the natural lighting of the building. Greater levels of lighting are only required for events, which have media coverage. Carnivals held at night will require one additional lighting level, which will be equal to 600 lux or 100% training lighting. Any additional competition or TV Lighting will incur additional charges.

Leisure and training pools

Your event is restricted to the pools, which you have booked. It does not include the use of either the Training Pool or Leisure Pool. It is your responsibility to prevent people associated with your event from entering these areas. Patrons wishing to utilise the leisure areas must pay the normal entry fees at the Customer Service Desk.

Officials’ room

The Shane Gould Room is adjacent to the Utility Pool and can be provided for use by officials within your booking. The room will be set up with round tables and chairs. This room can also be used to store Officials’ belongings, although the Centre accepts no responsibility for such items.

Officials’ catering

The Aquatic Centre provides a fully catered venue. Special Events & Venue Catering Supervisors are located on site and can be contacted to arrange your food and beverage requirements. Self-catering is not permitted at the Aquatic Centre. (Specific details in relation to the provision of catering is included in the ‘Terms and Conditions of Hire’, Section 6.4). Failure to comply with Section 6.4 may result in the application of a levy against the Hirer for self-supply of catering.

Pool configuration

Lane usage: The Competition pool has 10 lanes and Utility pool can accommodate 4 – 8 lanes as per your carnival package. If your event requires less lanes, you should notify the Centre of your requirement fourteen (14) days prior to your event.

Backstroke flags: All pools that are to be used for competition will have one set of backstroke flags fitted at each end of the pool. These backstroke flags will remain in place at all times unless a request is made to have them removed.

Set up for starting: For events held in the Competition Pool, the southern end of the pool is used for all starts except 50 metre events. When the Utility Pool is in use, the eastern end of the pool is used for all starts.


For events that utilise Levels Two and Three of the Automatic Officiating Equipment, one scoreboard will be used to display results while the second scoreboard can be used to display welcoming messages and logos. All text and information must be provided fourteen (14) days prior to your event. If logos are to be programmed, they should be supplied in bromide or Jpeg form.

In an event that we have x2 Carnivals running at the same time eg (Swimming & Diving carnival), you will have access to x1 scoreboard closest to your event area.

Automatic officiating equipment

The use of Automatic Officiating Equipment (AOE) is included in the cost of hiring carnival B – H at Aquatic Centre. Prior to your event it must be determined what level of AOE is most appropriate, as three user levels exist. This will be based on the type of event, the level of experience in organising such events, and the skill level of the participants and officials.

For most events, Level Two is the most commonly used level. (Carnival B onwards) Level Three involves the use of virtually no AOE (Carnival A), while Level One, and is only used for major events or events that are able to supply detailed information prior to the event, such as names of competitors.

Level 1 - This level involves the use of all Automatic Officiating Equipment (touchpads, false start etc), as well as the Quantum Meet Manager Software. This level can only be used when there is sufficient information to operate the Quantum Software Program. Its use is generally applied to events that are termed “major” and requires the use of qualified officials from the NSW Swimming Association. Should the use of this level be required, please contact SDS Services or Swimming NSW to arrange their services.

Level 2 - This involves the use of touch pads, push button timing devices and a false start and starting mechanism together with the appropriate scoreboard. To use this level it is necessary for the Centre to appoint two (2) operators who will operate the equipment throughout the event. The cost associated with the employment of such personnel is charged per hour per operator. Should the use of this level be required, please contact your bookings coordinator to add this to your event as well as SDS Services or Swimming NSW.

Level 3 - Involves the use of no electronic equipment. The Event Organiser will be required to supply manual stopwatches. As results and times are not displayed using this level, it will be possible to display general information or logos on the appropriate electronic scoreboard at various times. (For more information refer to Scoreboard section).

NOTE: Under no circumstances is food or drink to be taken into or consumed within the Computer and AOE (Automated Officiating Equipment) Rooms. Any equipment damage relating to this note will be the responsibility of the Hirer.

Marshalling area

For events using the Competition and/or Utility Pools, the marshalling area is located in the Alcove area on the western side adjacent to the Utility Pool. Other marshalling areas on the pool concourse may be allocated on either western or eastern sides of the concourse depending on the size of your event. The standard layout for each marshalling area is 6 rows of 10 seats. Should an additional marshalling area be required, you should identify your needs at least fourteen (14) days prior your event.

Competitors and officials seating

Details of your requirements for competitors and officials seating, will be completed in the Technical Sheet for your event. A Pool Supervisor will discuss your requirements with you, prior to your event.

Presentation dais

A portable dais is available for use during your event. The dais can be located at the northern end of the Competition Pool or in between the Competition and Utility Pools.

Change rooms

All competitors are to use the competitors’ change rooms between the Competition and Utility Pools on the western side of the Centre. Two groups of officials’ change rooms are located on the eastern side. Public toilets are located on level 2. Cameras & mobile phone cameras are not permitted in change rooms or the mini club.

Swimming attire

The conditions of entry to the Aquatic Centre allow for only recognised swimwear to be worn in the water. Articles of clothing such as T-shirts, casual shorts, bike pants or street clothes are unacceptable.

Loading dock access

All deliveries can be made via the loading dock. Please advise your bookings coordinator date and time of delivery and access to loading dock. The loading dock is located at the southern end of the building adjacent to the Utility Pool. Once a delivery has been made, the delivering vehicle must be removed from the loading dock and parked in the public or green car park (with valid parking pass). Failure to remove a vehicle from this area may result in the vehicle being towed away or access will be denied for future event days. A caged area is available for storing items onsite before and during your event (subject to availability).

Selling of merchandise

The selling of event merchandise is permitted during your event. Only merchandise that is specific to the event, i.e., t-shirts with the event name, are permitted to be sold. The Aquatic Centre will assess the Hirers request, and at its discretion the Aquatic Centre may choose not to permit the Hirer to sell merchandise on the Aquatic Centre premises if deemed inappropriate. Any merchandise that conflicts with the merchandise that is sold in the Centre’s Swim Shop is not permitted. 

The Hirer shall give at least fourteen (14) days’ notice to the Aquatic Centre outlining the type of merchandise it wishes to sell. The Aquatic Centre at its discretion may allow a Hirer to sell/promote items that it deems as commercial and a fee will be charged. In such instances the Hirer shall pay 10% of the gross sales revenue or $500.00 to the Aquatic Centre within seven (7) days of the conclusion of the Hiring Period accompanied by a statement certifying the quantum of gross sales. 

The Hirer shall permit the Manager, on reasonable notice, to inspect all books, accounts, records, ledgers and other documents relating to the sale of merchandise by the Hirer during the hiring period. In terms of a location to sell merchandise, the most appropriate area is on the level 2 bridge or near mouse hole entry. The Centre will provide two tables and two chairs for use in this area. The Hirer must not without the approval in writing of the Manager re-hire, sub-let or licence the Facilities, or any part of them to any person/s.


As part of your event, you are able to display signage associated with your event. Signage can be only displayed in two locations. The first location is on the pool concourse while the second location is attached to the metal railing in the middle of each seating block. Under no circumstance is any sign or banner to be displayed or draped over the timber and glass railing in front of the spectator seating, over any emergency exit signage, or over existing sponsorship signage. All signage must be of a very high quality as failure to meet this standard may result in the sign being removed. The size of each metal railing is 2000mm by 900mm.

Displaying material or information

The Centre prohibits the displaying of any material or information at any location except for where notice boards have been provided. The use of sticky tape, masking tape or any other form of adhesive tape is strictly prohibited. It is the responsibility of the hirer to remove any displayed material or information at the completion of the event.

Crowd behaviour and control

As the organiser of your event, you are responsible for the behaviour of the people attending and participating in the event. If the Centre’s staff observes a spectator or competitor behaving in a dangerous or irresponsible manner, they may be asked to take no further participation in the event or will be requested to leave the venue. Certain events may require the Centre to employ a number of security staff. This need will be determined prior to your event with your bookings coordinator. Additional charges will occur.

Lift usage

During events, lift usage is restricted to disabled persons and adults only. Any child or person associated with your event who is observed to be misusing the lift may be asked to leave the venue.

Underwater viewing

Although both the Competition and Utility Pools have underwater viewing windows, it is NOT possible to access these during events unless a prior request has been approved by Centre Management.

Aquatic Centre staff involvement

The Aquatic Centre’s staff are available to assist with any problems that may eventuate during your event. Once the set-up is complete, the Aquatic Centre Pool Attendants will be located on deck to provide safety supervision. A Pool Supervisor can be contacted in the Pool Duty Room or by internal telephone extension number 527.


To assist you with producing results and distributing important information, a photocopier is available for use during your event. It is located in the Results and Recording Room, which is adjacent to the Competition Pool. Use of the photocopier does not incur additional charge; however, it is a requirement that the event organiser provide their own paper.


To enable you to secure the facilities that you are using, it is possible to request an individual key for some rooms. These keys can be collected from the Pool Duty Room on the day of your event. Lost keys will incur a charge equivalent to the cost of replacing both lock and key, $55.00 (includes GST) per key.

Early Warning Indication System (EWIS)

The Centre is fitted with an Automatic Early Warning System (EWIS). This system is activated when a component of the system goes into alert mode. A warning signal is then broadcast throughout the Centre, which places everyone on standby. During this time, the Aquatic Centre Chief Warden will immediately confirm if the Centre is to be evacuated. If the Centre is not to be evacuated, the signal will be cancelled and the event may resume. If it is decided that the Centre should be evacuated, then your participants will need to make their way to the appropriate emergency exit. You should note that the entrance to each seating area has been colour coded and corresponds with a colour-coded exit. Upon exiting the Centre, spectators and competitors should follow the instructions of the Aquatic Centre staff who will direct them to an assembly area. Prior to the start of your event, the Centre will broadcast a pre-recorded message, which briefly describes what is involved if an evacuation is necessary. You should nominate an appropriate time when this can be done.

Pass outs

Please see customer service staff for pass-out options.

No smoking policy

Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the perimeter of the venue.

Cash handling and security

For events where large amounts of cash will be collected at the gate, the Aquatic Centre may require security to be rostered. Security will assist with any cash movements throughout the event. Facilities for storing cash on site, including Armaguard pick-ups can be arranged for you. Please notify the Aquatic Centre staff of your cash handling requirements prior to the event.


Due to the large number of events held at the Centre, it is necessary to levy a cleaning charge on all events. This levy will remain at the lowest possible level, provided your organisation leaves the Centre in a clean and tidy state. The Centre has implemented an Environmental Management System, which is in line with the environmental policies of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority. 

These policies involve recycling and waste minimisation. We ask that you support the Centre in this strategy and encourage such practices. It is important to note that cleaning after an event includes areas such as change rooms, public toilets, meeting rooms and corridors and not just spectator seating.


Your organisation will be responsible for any damage that is incurred as a result of your event. At the completion of the event, the venue will be inspected and a report will be prepared on any damage. You are welcome to join the Centre’s staff on this inspection.